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What items do you accept?We accept new and gently used clothing, including outerwear and shoes, for men, women, and children, in all sizes. Please be certain that donations are clean and freshly laundered. We are especially looking for: New socks & underwear Men's jeans, 30-38" in the waist New and gently used bras New and gently used shoes, especially men's, athletic, slippers, & winter boots Clothing sizes 2XL and above Winter coats and jackets Jewelry, purses & wallets
What items will you not accept?Due to space limitations, there are certain items we are unable to accept. We do not accept: Electrical appliances Furniture Magazines Encyclopedias Dishes Home Goods Bedding Towels Toys If you are looking to donate these items, please contact St. Vincent de Paul or other local charities.
Do you accept suits & other professional attire?We are glad to accept donations of all clothing items (anything you can wear), but we tend to receive a higher supply of professional attire coming in, than the demand for it, especially suits. We certainly give out suits, but not anywhere near the quantity that we distribute. The challenge of high supply and low demand of professional attire faces many organizations, as the standards of professional attire have changed so much in recent years. Further, most of the people we serve express interest in more casual attire or, if they are looking for clothing for work, they are looking more for scrubs like for medical professions or clothing for construction/factory positions.
What items do you urgently need?We are always looking to expand our wardrobe to ensure that we can provide the best services to our clients There are certain items that we are always in need of. These include: New socks & underwear Men's jeans, especially 30-38" in the waist New and gently used shoes, especially athletic/slippers/winter boots/men's Children's clothing of all sizes Plus size clothing for men and women Belts If you are looking for more ideas on what to donate, please visit our Amazon Wishlist.
When, where, and how can I donate?Donations are accepted at Father Gene’s Help Center in West Allis, Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. We accept donations through our back door which can only be accessed from Greenfield Ave, between 59th and 60th Sts. Please do not leave donations unattended (i.e. after hours or over a weekend). We only accept clothing items. We ask that items are clean and in good condition, neatly folded in bags or boxes that are tied shut or closed. If possible, please label the outside of the bag or box with the contents. Please be mindful of weight - if you can't lift the donation, neither can we!
Can I make a financial donation?Of course! There are three ways to contribute financially. Checks can be made out to Father Gene's Help, Inc. and mailed to the center (5919 W. National Avenue West Allis, WI 53214). Financial donations can also be made online. For your convenience, donations are made through PayPal which is free, fast, and secure, and you don't need an account for transactions. You can also provide a lasting gift by leaving a bequest to Father Gene's Help Center in your will.
Do you accept clothing items that are off season?We truly appreciate when donations are made for the current season or for the upcoming season. We don't have storage capacity for off season items and items donated out of season make it more difficult for us to get seasonally appropriate items to our clients in need in a timely manner. Thank you for helping us serve our clients better!
"I'm interested in volunteering, but can't come during the day."If you aren’t available to serve during our regular hours, there are other options! We are open the first Saturday of every month from 9 a.m. – 2pm, assisting client shoppers, sorting donations, filling orders and taking donations, and we can always use more help. You can also assist by publicizing our work within your local communities and networks. Make an announcement in your church, share our information with your friends and family, or follow us on social media (Facebook & Instagram). We are always looking to increase our volunteer community, so it is a great help to us when you tell your friends and family about Father Gene’s Help Center! For more information, call (414) 258-4357 or email
How can I volunteer?We are always looking for volunteers! Volunteers serve by assisting client shoppers, taking orders for clothing over the phone, filling orders, sorting donations, greeting clients, accepting donations, and restocking shelves. Volunteers are needed Monday-Thursday from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. If you are interested in volunteering, please call our Executive Director, Jessica, at (414) 258-4357 ext. 101 or email her at
Can I bring a group to volunteer?Groups of volunteers are most welcome! If you’re interested in bringing a group to volunteer on the weekend or in the evening, we ask that groups consist of at least 5 people. To schedule a group to volunteer, please contact our Executive Director, Jessica Luebbering, at 414-258-4357, ext 101 or by email at
I need volunteer hours for school/work/court/(insert other reason here)! Can I complete those hours at Father Gene’s Help Center?We ask that all volunteers participate in a short orientation. Once you have completed orientation, you can schedule the days and times to complete your hours. Please bring a form to track your hours and have one of the staff members sign off on it each time you come volunteer. Please note that, unfortunately, we are not able to welcome individuals with sexual offenses to volunteer at FGHC and those who need to complete court ordered community service hours.
How can I receive help?If you would like to shop or to place a clothing order, please call our help line at (414) 258-4357, option 1, to receive help with clothing. Clients are eligible to shop or place an order once every 90 days.
Who can I shop for?You are invited to shop for yourself, a spouse or partner, and dependents in your household that you are the primary caregiver for. Adults (people over the age of 18) ought to come shop for themselves. Please be prepared to provide the full names and dates of birth of each member of your family in order to shop for them.
What do I need to bring to my shopping experience?Please bring a photo identification (or a picture of your photo ID), as well as the full names and dates of birth of other members of your family that you plan to shop for. If you come on the bus, we encourage you to bring a shopping cart, a suitcase, or a duffle bag to carry your items home.
How many items can I take home?We invite you to take home a limited number of clothing items depending on your family size.
How often can I shop?You are invited to shop once every 90 days. Please note that with our current shopping policy (walk in basis, first come, first served), it is your responsibility to verify your eligibility to shop. You will not be able to shop until it has been at least 90 days since the last time that you received help from FGHC.
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